Great Actor. Great Man. Via Eric Alterman at Altercation.
Photo courtesy of Flickr user JamesAlec September 27, 2008
"Motivated by romantic, anachronistic notions of Irish republicanism, some prominent Irish-Americans persuaded the president (over the objection of the State Department) to jump headfirst into the Northern Ireland problem, severely straining our relations with London...[through our] mistaken involvement in the Northern Ireland problem, President Clinton has deepened the risk to his credibility and further damaged relations with our British allies." [Foreign Policy, Summer 1996]OK, now I realize this is from 12 years ago, but that's just an outrageous claim. This condescending, cowardly rant reeks of the up most hypocrisy. John McCain is incredibly supportive of groups lobbying in favor of Israel, but apparently lobbying in support of peace in Ireland is repulsive to him. That's not to take anything away from Israel or those that ardently support it. While I have a number of disagreements with some of the U.S.'s strongest voices in support of Israel, I admire their devotion to Israel and the Israeli people and they have every right to petition and lobby their government in support of Israel. The same should go for those who love Ireland, right? Well not if you're John McCain! If you're an Irish-American that supports peace efforts in Northern Ireland you're simply motivated by "romantic and anachronistic notions of Irish Republicanism." Also, if anything this has helped our relationship with Great Britain. Indeed, as Bergmann points out in his post, via a quote from Congressman Richard Neal, Tony Blair has actually thanked the U.S. for it's efforts in the peace process! Man, it's hard to contemplate how unbelievably stupid John McCain is. He literally makes George W. Bush look like Aristotle!
If I am elected President, I will continue America’s leadership role. I am committed, as I know the American people are committed, to furthering the bonds of cooperation that have been forged in Northern Ireland’s peace process. As a demonstration of that commitment, I will continue the practice, begun by President Clinton, of appointing a U.S. Special Envoy for Northern Ireland. I know Senator Obama has questioned whether that appointment is needed. I would urge him to reconsider. If I am elected president, I assure you that there will be no weakening in America’s commitment to peace in Northern Ireland. I’ll maintain the special U.S. envoy for Northern Ireland, and I will welcome peacemakers to the White House.Flip-Flop! Flip-Flop! Flip-Flop! Bergmann says he's not sure if McCain just can't remember his previous position or if he's just lying. I assume the worst and that McCain is lying. But if he's not, then his demonstrable senility disqualifies him for the presidency.
The current lie du jour of the McCain campaign is that their man will aggressively take on the greed that is causing the collapse on Wall Street. Given McCain's lack of interest in the economy, wealthy campaign contributors, and ideological hostility toward government regulation, this stance is laughable. But McCain's lie unconsciously reveals an important truth, which is that when the economy goes into a tailspin, the public prefers a solution long identified with liberalism. McCain could tell the truth, which is that he is all for the free market and can barely wait until the crisis passes so the rich can go about the business of becoming ever richer. But if he does that, he will lose. McCain wants to win. Therefore he lies.The second article is over at the American Prospect and is written by Matt Yglesias. Yglesias argues that it would be prudent for Barack Obama to once again highlight his foreign policy and national security bonafides. He focuses on the fact that the president has a lot more control over foreign policy matters than he/she does over domestic issues. Indeed, no matter the outcome of the presidential election, the Democratic majority is certain to expand. This majority will be able to hinder many of the more undesirable elements of McCain's domestic agenda. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said on the foreign policy front. Here, McCain will have the ability to send troops wherever he pleases, with little to no intervention from Congress. This is disturbing since the McCain foreign policy platform makes the international policies of the Bush administration look tame.
Imagine this happening in your own life. You knew your spouse was cheating, and she or he kept on denying it and called you despicable. Imagine that in a court of law, a plaintiff or defendant's attorney could lie, get caught, lie again and then get at least some members of the jury to believe that the allegations that he lied were just an elitist plot. That in business, one party could break a contract, lie about it, lie about having lied about it, charge that the other party's willingness to stand by the original terms of the contract showed only that the other party was weak and inflexible -- and still come out of the deal smelling sweet.