It seems as if Miguel Tejada is in a lot of trouble. First off, it turns out that Miguel's last name is Tejeda not Tejada. Also he lied about his age, he's 33 not 31 (Why!?! Plus at least make it more than a two year difference!). Finally, there is of course Tejada's surfacing in the Mitchell Report for possible steroid usage. If your asking, what's the big deal. Here's the big deal: Tejada lied about his age and name while applying for a green card post-immigration. Plus, when applying for a green card, the applicant is asked about drug usage. Whoops! This could all lead to Tejada getting deported; or, at best, he could be turned into an informant to rat out other players to the Feds. I have to say, while I shouldn't, I actually kind of feel sorry for Tejada, or should I say Tejeda. Basically the only reason any of this is coming to light is the fact that the guy more likely than not joined the Roid Raiders club (Canseco, Giambi, Piatt, etc.) in Oakland. I mean, let's be honest, in late 90's Oakland, who wasn't juiced!?! The men in the A's clubhouse had more testosterone pumping than the rest of the Bay Area combined. Clearly, Tejada has made a number of bad decisions, but you have to wonder how many other players out there have just as many skeletons in there closet (cough cough Ankiel cough).
Now that I got the pleasantries and compassion out of the way, in the interest of full disclosure I should acknowledge that as a Brewers fan the Houston Astros are one of my favorite opponents. Pretty much every time the Brewers play the Astros (whether in Milwaukee or Houston) we just beat the living shit out of them. Seriously, we won a game in Houston like 15-1 last year! What?! Needless to say, if this causes the famously dysfunctional Astros to become more dysfunctional, the only wisdom I can impart is that this is natural selection taking its course.
Finally, in other baseball related news, I love 5 gum. Seriously, it's freakin' fantastic. I was at CVS over lunch and noticed for the first time that 5 is manufactured by Wrigley. This causes a dilemma for me. I love the gum, but I hate to think that my love of 5 gum is in some way support for the Cubs. But what can I really do? Wrigley pretty much has a defacto monopoly on the chewing gum market, and it's just so damn good! Ideas?
Photo used courtesy of flickr user gajdam1 Apirl 18, 2008.