Friday, October 10, 2008


Via Think Progress.

The unrepentant filth that is the McCain-Palin campaign continues again at this rally in my home state of Wisconsin where some woman yells "traitor!" while McCain is describing (inaccurately) Obama's tax plan. John McCain, who constantly talks about honor, smiles and continues his speech. Then the crowd begins to chant "USA, USA, USA!" This makes me extremely ashamed of my home state, these people are not patriotic Americans. I remember when I was 12 years old watching the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, I used to think it was cool when people would chant USA over and over again. My mother cautioned me at the time, that while there's nothing wrong with having pride in one's country, to chant USA like that represented the ugly American. I kind of shrugged her off at the time, but it turns out my mother's warning was extremely prescient (as so many of her thoughts have proven to be over the years!). This is the ugly American. Republican supporters always chant this in response to their candidates railing against the Democrats. They seem to believe that Democrats are trying to hurt America. What the fuck is wrong with these people? They did the same thing at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul whenever a Code Pink protester would interrupt a speech. I have to be honest, while I agree with the message of Code Pink, I don't necessarily agree with their methods. I think that Code Pink often does more harm to the anti-war cause than good. However, to chant "USA, USA, USA!" at these women, as if they don't love their country is an absolute abomination. The Republicans have nothing to run on except resentment and hatred. Hatred of African-Americans. Hatred of Muslims. Hatred of intellectuals. In short, hatred of anyone that is not like them. This truly represents Rome before the fall. How do you reason with people like this. I'm glad to see that my beloved state of Wisconsin is still trending blue, and I'm confident that Barack Obama will win the state. However, I'm deeply ashamed of the type of reactionary and mindless anger that persists in these people. That woman, whomever she is, and the people that chanted USA are not real Americans, despite proclaiming themselves the exclusive holders of the title. I will refrain from stating what I really think of these individuals, because if I were to do so I would be playing their game, on their terms. I simply refuse to do that. This is desperation. This is folly. This is fear coming home to roost. Vote Obama '08!