Thursday, May 15, 2008

Really Cool Picture

Nothing really to this post. I just thought this picture of Israeli soldiers looked pretty cadillac with the muzzle flash. I'm gonna have a big post, a meta post, if you will (I like that, meta post, it sounds important, anyways, I digress) about West Virginia and Edwards endorsing Obama. But for now, enjoy the muzzle flash.

Note: Just in case Marty Peretz, Jamie Kirchick, or Alan Dershowitz are reading this blog (which I'm sure they are not); my inclusion (is that a word?) of this picture is in NO WAY an endorsement of the article by Arnon Grunberg that I took it from. I haven't even read the article yet; which is probably irresponsible on my part. I just think the picture is legitamately really cool looking. No hidden messages need be sought.