I usually don't like to put too much stock in any story by Howard Kurtz, but his article in today's Washington Post definately peaked my interest. Kurtz's subject matter is that of MSNBC and it's supposedly "left-leaning" election coverage and "pro-Obama" bend. There's no question that MSNBC is anti-Clinton, and I say that as an Obama supporter. MSNBC's coverage of Hillary Clinton has been absolutely deplorable. Chris Matthews routinely descends into sexist rants against Clinton that would offend the sensibilities of even the most ardently conservative frat boy. That being said, with the exception of Olbermann, the network certainly isn't "pro-Obama." They covered the Reverand Wright scandal and lapel pin controversy just as much as any other media outlet. That being said I can understand why many Clinton supporters label MSNBC "pro-Obama" considering Olbermann's "special comments" against Hillary and Matthew's strangely homoerotic murmurs about Obama. Really though, MSNBC is pro-Obama only to the extent that they
I think that conservatives that complain that MSNBC is "left-leaning" are either way too thin skinned (which of course they are) or incredibly stupid (ok, again). Chris Matthews says nice stuff about Obama, but there is no doubt he is absolutely maddly in love with John McCain. As is Norah O'Donnell, David Shuster, David Gregory, etc., etc., etc. It really irks me when McCain campaign figures complain about MSNBC's coverage, because McCain gets a free ride from everybody, and MSNBC is one of his most frequent drivers (with the notable exception of Keith Olbermann). I certainly have spent many a frustrated night watching many an MSNBC pundit trash the Democratic Party and kick it while it's down over and over and over again. Matthews does this like none other. The man, despite working as a speech writer for Jimmy Carter and an advisor for the great Tip O'Neil, seems to loathe Democrats with every fiber of his being. This is because Matthews treasure character above all other qualities, and that character is that of the alpha-male. Constantly, Matthews rails on Democrats for not being manly enough. The man refuses to stop calling Obama an elitist and even criticized Obama for playing the rich man's game of pool. Matthews along with Russert, constantly tout their blue collar upbringing, but apparently neither of them have ever been to a dive bar in their life. Pool, a rich man's game!?! It costs like 75 cents to play pool! That's a hell of a lot cheaper than bowling! Bowling, in Matthews mind, is the sport of the working people. That's probably true, but if he would take the time to actually, you know, GO TO A BOWLING ALLEY, he would more than likely find that there are almost as many pool tables as there are alleys!
Wow, that was a long tangent into Chris Matthews (I know, tell us how you really feel Scott!). Anyways, my worry here is that MSNBC will listen to this conservative criticism and move to the right. We can't afford to have this happen. I certainly have many issues with MSNBC, but they are my go-to channel for political news. I find that the analysts they have including Racheal Maddow, Jonathan Alter, David Gregory, Pat Buchanan, and numerous others; are the best on TV! MSNBC is growing, and looking more and more like a viable alternative to FOX. Let's hope that they stick what's working and ignore the likes of Terry McAuliffe (candidate for Tool of the Year) and Steve Schmidt.