Monday, August 11, 2008

Josh Marshall and Matt Yglesias: Making Sense

Over at Taling Points Memo (here) and Think Progress (here) Josh Marshall and Matt Yglesias are talking a lot of sense on Russia. John McCain wants the US to fast track Georgia into full membership with NATO. Now, for those of you unfamiliar with how NATO works, members of NATO are to view an attack on any member state to be an attack on their own country. Essentially, John McCain wants to go to war with Russia. Now, Yglesias is correct to point out that Russia is certainly not what it used to be. However, any idoit knows that a NATO strike on Russia (basically the US, Britain, and France attacking Russian forces in Georgia) would likely bring about World War III. Unfortunately, St. McCain doesn't think WWIII would be a bad thing. As I've stated before, John McCain believes that war is an honorable enterprise. War, in the eyes of John McCain, is an end in itself. A massive war with Russia would mean more Americans serving in the military (which John McCain sees as the highest possible calling) and fighting for meaningless Georgian villages all in the name of honor. McCain talks about honor like he's some kind of Klingon or Jedi Knight. Certainly, being honorable is noble endeavor. However, there are many ways for one to achieve honor without killing Russians. You could become a fire fighter. You could teach inner city kids how to read. You could joing the Peace Corps.

Anyways, I'm digressing. Many of the same voices that shouted us into Iraq are now attempting to shout us into war with Russia. This is, of course, pure lunacy. However, the American MSM views those that advocate war as the only "serious" foreign policy and national security experts. Consequently, rational voices are either drowned out or ignored completely.

In the meantime, people are dying. Georgia has continously shelled South Ossetia killing thousands of innocent Russian separtists, and Russia has bombed a number of Georgian cities, likely killing large numbers of Georgian civilians. McCain should be advocating diplomacy in order to bring this conflict to a swift but peaceful resolution. Instead, St. McCain, the maverick, is advocating MORE war. Your all smart people, think about that for a few minutes.

NOTE: Matt Yglesias has moved from the Atlantic over to Think Progress. Here's the link to his insightful blog.