Monday, April 21, 2008

More Bittergate

Via Ezra Klein, I was directed to this wonderfully biting column by Jonathan Chait attacking patent rich boy George Will's newfound affinity for working class voters. Big G scoffed at Barack Obama's "condescending" remarks. This is in the same vain of other pundits like Tim "Blue Collar Buffalo" Russert and Chris "Man's Man" Matthews. Chait singlehandedly deconstructs any vestage of a connection that George Will and co. claim they have with the working class of Pennsylvania. This is my favorite bit:
Bill O'Reilly's or Tim Russert's endless invocations of their working-class backgrounds are the equivalent of the campus activist who introduces every opinion by saying "As a woman of color . . . ." (The one difference being that the latter really is a woman of color, while the former are multimillionaires who retain only the most remote connection to blue-collar life.)

Nice. I was watching Bill Maher last week and he interviewed Chris Matthews and attacked him on his avoidance of anything but "character" issues. Matthews, predictably, wouldn't back down and continued to denigrate Obama and Clinton for their lack of affinity with "normal" people. Bill Maher put it correctly when he stated that this country can't afford to vote for the "better" guy. That's true. But I think he's conceeding a point here. Republicans aren't the "better" guys. McCain and Bush are lifetime upperclass individuals. Bush is just good at pretending that he seems like an everyday American. However, I don't think attending Yale and being a member of the ultra exclusive Skull and Bones is "everyday American." I don't think attending Harvard Business School makes you an "everyday American." Last but not least, being the son of the forty-first President of the United States of America doesn't exactly make you an "everyday American." That's not to say that normal people don't go to Yale and Harvard. Plenty do. But W never would've gotten into any of these prime institutions without a little help from Big Pappa Bush and his connections. Good grief!!!

P.S. I promise that this is the last post on bittergate

P.P.S. Well, ok, that is unless something similar to this comes along again!

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