Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Can't Control My Giddiness

In case you've been living under a rock, pill-popper, fat ass, and professional asshole Rush Limbaugh wants President Obama to fail:

This is his prerogative. Mr. Limbaugh is a private citizen, and I'm sure there are a lot of right-wing citizens out there that echo his sentiments. However, there is one slight problem. Rush Limbaugh seems to be the leader of the Republican party these days. In fact, whenever anybody says anything that ever so slightly strays from the drug addict's point-of-view, they rapidly beg his forgiveness and mercy. Along comes Michael Steele, or as I like to call him, God's gift to the Democratic party. Steele was recently elected the first African-American chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC). He had the audacity to call the great Limbaugh an "entertainer" whose rants occasionally become "incendiary" and "ugly":

Ruh Roh! Of course, the next day, Steele apologized to Limbaugh, after Rush took offense to his comments during one of his rabies sessions. It gets even better, Kenneth the Page, excuse me, Bobby Jindal said on Larry King that he's glad that Steele apologize and praised Limbaugh as a great leader.

This is just too good. It's true that Limbaugh's listeners and followers are legion, but so are his detractors. Most of the American people do not agree with what Limbaugh has to say. As a result, the Republican's decision to cater to his every whim is great for the Democratic party. I'm glad that Rahm Emanuel and the Democrats seem to be making as much light of this as possible. This will only further isolate the Republican party from the American people. The isolation of the GOP can only bring about good results. Here's to Rush, and here's to the collapse of the GOP!

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