Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where's Scott?

Dear readers, I know the thousands upon thousands of you that frequent this blog in order to be charmed by extremely well-informed opinions and off-handed wit are probably wondering where I've been. This answer is New Hampshire. I received an e-mail a week or so ago at work asking for volunteers to do election work in the battleground states. Being every bit the heroic and selfless person that I am, I answered the call. As a result, I've been in New Hampshire canvassing, phone banking, and adventuring for Barack Obama, Jeanne Shaheen (running for Senate against the incumbent John Sununu) Paul Hodes, and Carol Shea Porter (both of whom are running for Congressional seats)since last Friday. Since this is not a blog about me, I won't keep a log of my experiences unless I think it's something that my massive readership would find especially interesting. Anyways, blogging will be extremely light to non-existent. If I don't post before the election, I would just like to remind you to GO OUT AND FUCKING VOTE! If you live in Wisconsin or New Hampshire, there is same day registration, so you can go register and vote simultaneously. All you need is a piece of mail and a photo ID that contains your current address! Election day is Tuesday, November 4. However, if you are a Republican, you guys actually vote on a different day! You guys vote on Thursday, November 6. Therefore, those of you that support John McCain against the all the gay socialist Democrats, you need to put country first and have patience until next Thursday! I know you guys can do it, USA! USA! USA!

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