This article by Sam Stein about Kathleen Sebelius, the Democratic governor of Kansas, is an interesting read. I'm rooting for Sebelius as Obama's VP nom. She basically has the same appeal as Obama: a proven track record of reaching across the aisle to get things done. Also, she's a blue governor in a red state, and it's not like she's had to compromise her core values and beliefs. She's a pro-choice, pro-universal healthcare, pro-labor, and anti-war governor. While she lacks national security credentials, Obama's supposed "weakness", I think she's great because she compounds his strenths, mainly his appeal to independents and young people. There's some rumors out that suggest that it would be the ultimate insult to Hillary Clinton, for Obama to choose a woman other than Clinton as a running mate. However, I think those that would be angry over that are probably not going to vote for Obama anyways, and hopefully many women would be inspired by one of their own on the national ticket. What do you all think?
The rest of my top 5 choices for VP is:
2) Wes Clark
3) Janet Napolitano
4) Bill Richardson
5) Joe Biden
Photo used courtesy of Flickr user Las Valley 702 January 29, 2008
1 comment:
As I've said before, I think Sebelius would be a great choice, except I think there would be just too much of a stigma to have a black man and a female on the same ticket. It's unfortunate that there would be a stigma, but I'm just not sure the country would vote for such a ticket. I think a former general would be a good choice, and Bill Richardson wouldn't be bad either.
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