Well, 10,000 B.C. was pretty bad. Roland Emmerich is such a hit or miss director to me. I loved Independence Day, Stargate, and The Patriot; The Day After Tomorrow was ok; and Godzilla totally sucked. Well, ok, I guess that's mostly hits, but I'm gonna stick with my "hit or miss" label anyways. I just couldn't get into this movie. The script, co-written by Emmerich himself, was just painfully bad. The guy goes on perilous journey to save girl plot is beyond cliche. The character development is lax and the acting is terrible. Some of the visuals were kind of neat, but today it's your run-of-the-mill CGI. I would avoid this movie if at all possible, and if you must see it, rent it on DVD.
Rating: *1/2
* Uwe Boll/Michael Bay Bad **Keeanu Reevesish ***Great ***Fantastic
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