Friday, February 22, 2008

Going Veggie

According to this Journal Sentinel article, Prince Fielder is now a vegetarian. While I still count myself among the carnivorous ranks, I find this pretty cool. Fielder decided to go meat-less after his wife bought him a book that describes some of the methods utilized to slaughter animals. I have always tried to avoid these books and videos because I love meat, and I also love animals, so I'm afraid that I'd have to stop eating meat, and it just tastes so good! I realize this is lame, and I'm a wuss, but I can't help it.

In other cool Brewer news, Ryan Braun donated his Rookie of the Year bonus to Habitat for Humanity. I mean, how cool is that? This guy is a class-act and a positive presence in the clubhouse. It's stuff like this, and his impressive playing ability, that make Braun my favorite player.

Go Brewers!

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