Monday, October 6, 2008


Nate Silver, over at FiveThirtyEight, has a very encouraging post up about the latest voter registration figures out of Georgia. Between November 2004 and October 1 of 2008, the percentage of the active registered voter pool that is African-American jumped from 27.4% to 29%, and is likely to climb up to almost 31%! Silver outlines how this could move Georgia from a safe red state into the toss up category. This is very exciting stuff.

All this leads me to the main point of this post, VOTE on November 4! If you don't vote and your candidates lose, you have absolutely no right to complain. For my readers in Wisconsin, you can register at polls. For the rest of you, just google your home state and voter registration (e.g. Colorado Voter Registration). Do yourself and your country and vote. I won't try and influence your vote but you should really vote for Barack Obama.

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