Monday, February 11, 2008

Who Knows?

Walter Shapiro's article outlining several different conclusions to the Democratic primary is really worth a read. The CW has it, correcty, in my view, that a nominee pushed over the edge by superdelegates would be very bad for the party. I'm optimistic that this won't happen, but it certainly looks like this race could very well drag on into June. This isn't necessarily all bad. If the race does go on into June that means that John McCain will not have as much time to construct a line of attack on a presumptive Dem nominee. When it was all but certain that Kerry had the nomination by mid February in '04, Bush began the flip-flop argument very early and the media coalesced around it, and the argument stuck. It looks like St. McCain will not have this luxury.

On the flip side, this could allow McCain crucial time to mend his image with the GOP base. However, considering how some of the right-wing noise machines heavy hitters have sounded off in recent weeks, no amount of time may be sufficient for St. McCain to make things right.