Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Turning on the Mac

I thought the day would never come where I sing the praises of the Washington Post editorial page! If I were to do such a thing, it would probably be in regards to either Eugene Robinson or E.J. Dionne (both of whom are actually great columnists). Perhaps maybe even a shout out to David Ignatius, whom occasionally writes a superb column. Surely Richard Cohen, of in-the-tank for McCain infamy, wouldn't garner praise from a big time mega-blogger like me. Alas! The day has come. Ok, enough with that. Richard Cohen has somehow managed to write a coherent column about how McCain has completely lost his way. Cohen even admits that he was on the McCain bandwagon. Fortunately, for himself and his readers, he has managed to exorcise himself of this particular demon. Cohen's definitive and comprehensive take down focuses primarily on the cynicism that McCain displayed in his anointing of noted moose hunter Sarah Palin as his protege. However, Cohen is also quite perturbed by the ease and frequency in which St. McCain engages in outright deception. For anyone interested in reading a chronicle of the divorce between John McCain and one of his most ardent supporters, Cohen's column is a can't miss.