Monday, September 29, 2008

R.I.P. Paul Newman

Great Actor. Great Man. Via Eric Alterman at Altercation.

Photo courtesy of Flickr user JamesAlec September 27, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wah! Wah! I'm losing! TIME OUT!

Look, John McCain, there's no crying in baseball! You can't call time out! You've said numerous times that you don't know a lot about economics, and suddenly you are going to rescue the bailout package! This reminds me of something I would've tried in high school debate! I really hope people are smart enought to see through this. To anyone that's unsure, THIS IS A TOTAL GIMMICK! It's a stunt! McCain knows he has no credibility on the economy so he's hoping a little political theater will save the day. Bullshit. Don't buy it. For those of you that aren't yet convinced of Sarah Palin's knownothingism check out this clip courtesy of Think Progress:

I'm sorry, but I have no fucking clue what she just said. I'm in league with Glenn Greenwald on this, I actually feel sorry for her in this instance because she clearly has no idea what the hell she's talking about. I'm pretty sure bailing out Wall Street has nothing to do with health care reform, but perhaps I'm just being inflexible!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Corporate Socialism

You, my dear readers, might have noticed that I've been relatively silent on the financial meltdown that we are currently in the midst of. In the interest of full disclosure, I will admit that it is because most of this stuff is over my head. Perhaps the only affinity I have with John McCain, is that I also don't know as much about economics as much as I should. I blame this on my own shortcomings and supply side doctrinaire professors that taught me voodoo economics back in college. However, I'm not running for president. John McCain is. Anyways, I'm getting off on a tangent here. I titled this post corporate socialism because lately we've seen a lot of government nationalization of business, particularly in the financial sector. I think the irony of this is lost on a lot of people. A deeply conservative, radical free-market, Republican administration has been nationalizing (at least partially) corporations left and right! I wrote a somewhat sarcastic post about AIG last week, but just think about it, we as taxpayers own a 80% of AIG, the largest private insurer in the world! Or to put it in more socialistic terms, the state controls an 80% stake in AIG. Isn't that crazy! Wow! If you'd like to learn a little bit more about the crisis, and some ideas on what to do about it; I'd recommend reading the blogs of Paul Krugman, Ezra Klein, and Dean Baker. You should also check out this report by the Center for American Progress on Paulson's proposed $700 billion bailout plan.

Photo courtesy of Flickr user grahamlyth July 20, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

OK, Now I'm Just Pissed!

In past posts, I've had some harsh criticism for John McCain. But this time, seriously, he's stuck a personal chord. You dishonorable, undignified fool. My ire is the result of this post by Democracy Arsenal's Max Bergmann, which came to my attention via Ezra Klein. John McCain has completely flip-flopped on the issue of U.S. involvement in the Northern Ireland Peace Process. Here's what John McCain wrote in 1996:
"Motivated by romantic, anachronistic notions of Irish republicanism, some prominent Irish-Americans persuaded the president (over the objection of the State Department) to jump headfirst into the Northern Ireland problem, severely straining our relations with London...[through our] mistaken involvement in the Northern Ireland problem, President Clinton has deepened the risk to his credibility and further damaged relations with our British allies." [Foreign Policy, Summer 1996]
OK, now I realize this is from 12 years ago, but that's just an outrageous claim. This condescending, cowardly rant reeks of the up most hypocrisy. John McCain is incredibly supportive of groups lobbying in favor of Israel, but apparently lobbying in support of peace in Ireland is repulsive to him. That's not to take anything away from Israel or those that ardently support it. While I have a number of disagreements with some of the U.S.'s strongest voices in support of Israel, I admire their devotion to Israel and the Israeli people and they have every right to petition and lobby their government in support of Israel. The same should go for those who love Ireland, right? Well not if you're John McCain! If you're an Irish-American that supports peace efforts in Northern Ireland you're simply motivated by "romantic and anachronistic notions of Irish Republicanism." Also, if anything this has helped our relationship with Great Britain. Indeed, as Bergmann points out in his post, via a quote from Congressman Richard Neal, Tony Blair has actually thanked the U.S. for it's efforts in the peace process! Man, it's hard to contemplate how unbelievably stupid John McCain is. He literally makes George W. Bush look like Aristotle!

Anyways, I mentioned that John McCain flip-flopped, well here's John McCain today in Pennsylvania flipping and flopping:
If I am elected President, I will continue America’s leadership role. I am committed, as I know the American people are committed, to furthering the bonds of cooperation that have been forged in Northern Ireland’s peace process. As a demonstration of that commitment, I will continue the practice, begun by President Clinton, of appointing a U.S. Special Envoy for Northern Ireland. I know Senator Obama has questioned whether that appointment is needed. I would urge him to reconsider. If I am elected president, I assure you that there will be no weakening in America’s commitment to peace in Northern Ireland. I’ll maintain the special U.S. envoy for Northern Ireland, and I will welcome peacemakers to the White House.
Flip-Flop! Flip-Flop! Flip-Flop! Bergmann says he's not sure if McCain just can't remember his previous position or if he's just lying. I assume the worst and that McCain is lying. But if he's not, then his demonstrable senility disqualifies him for the presidency.

Photo courtesy of Flickr user News Corpse May 23, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Community Organizing: A Noble Profession

Via Oliver Willis. Perhaps I'm just a sap, but that video kinda got to me. I was actually most stuck by Biden's "last chance" remarks and I thought that their entrance into the video was just at the right time.

Willis also links to a great article in the Los Angeles Times by Richard Fausset. Fausset's article is an in-depth look into the profession of community organizing. The article is extremely well written and it gives you a better sense of what it is that a community organizer actually does. In stark contrast to the perspective taken by Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani, community organizers actually have many responsibilities and far fewer resources to go about them than mayors. This article is a must read for anyone interested in social change.

Two Items

I'd like to call my dear readers attention to two articles that I think are well worth a read. The first is by Alan Wolfe, a noted political scientist at Boston College. Wolfe's article dissects why McCain essentially has to lie in order to sell his candidacy. The key graf:
The current lie du jour of the McCain campaign is that their man will aggressively take on the greed that is causing the collapse on Wall Street. Given McCain's lack of interest in the economy, wealthy campaign contributors, and ideological hostility toward government regulation, this stance is laughable. But McCain's lie unconsciously reveals an important truth, which is that when the economy goes into a tailspin, the public prefers a solution long identified with liberalism. McCain could tell the truth, which is that he is all for the free market and can barely wait until the crisis passes so the rich can go about the business of becoming ever richer. But if he does that, he will lose. McCain wants to win. Therefore he lies.
The second article is over at the American Prospect and is written by Matt Yglesias. Yglesias argues that it would be prudent for Barack Obama to once again highlight his foreign policy and national security bonafides. He focuses on the fact that the president has a lot more control over foreign policy matters than he/she does over domestic issues. Indeed, no matter the outcome of the presidential election, the Democratic majority is certain to expand. This majority will be able to hinder many of the more undesirable elements of McCain's domestic agenda. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said on the foreign policy front. Here, McCain will have the ability to send troops wherever he pleases, with little to no intervention from Congress. This is disturbing since the McCain foreign policy platform makes the international policies of the Bush administration look tame.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bailout Sponsors

In light of the news that I now have a partial stake in AIG. I have a number of concerns that I'd like to bring up at the next shareholders meeting. For instance, if we are in such dire straits how come we still can afford to be a leading sponsor of one of the most expensive sports franchises in the world? As exhibited by star midfielder, and Manchester's resident douchebag, Cristiano Ronaldo our company even adorns the jersey of the Red Devils! Now, I'm willing to be reasonable here. I believe that we should maintain our sponsorship of Manchester United. Our influence over one of the English Premier League's flagship clubs presents many attractive marketing opportunities for our business. Seriously people, the opportunity for growth and expansion is overwhelming! However, as owners, I feel that we deserve a fair return on our investment in the Red Devils. For instance, we should have access to a luxury box. How are they going to fit 240 million of us in there? Can we take turns? If so, I would like a dozen tickets for Sunday's clash with Chelsea. Also, as a partial owner of AIG, I would like to have access to the personal cell phone numbers of the star players and their agents. This way I can get in contact with them to discuss business matters. I have this great ad campaign in my head with Ronaldo, Carloz Tevez, and Wayne Rooney that would be dynamite! I'm really looking forward to talking this over with them. It's amazing to think, that just a day ago I was a Liverpool and Arsenal fan! I hated Manchester United! Now, I'm a partial owner of their chief sponsor. This is exciting times people. Opportunities abound!

The Era of the Lie

Michael Tomasky asks a simple question: How do you fight these people? I don't really think anyone, particularly the Obama campaign, has quite figured that out yet. It is absolutely stunning the role that dishonesty has played in the McCain campaign. These people just continue to lie. Even after they've been caught. It's utterly baffling! The obvious example is Palin and her lies regarding the Bridge to Nowhere and earmarks. However, it doesn't end there. Most of you have no doubt heard of the Fed's bailout of AIG. Everyone that is currently reading these words, is now a partial owner of AIG, as the taxpayers now own 80% of the insurance giant. Congrats...I guess. Of course as Tomasky points out, McCain (in light of this news) is talking about the need to fight corporate greed and enact a new, stronger regulatory framework. Unfortunately for McCain, he's always opposed regulation in the past. In fact the best label for his economic perspective (as limited as that may be) is that of a radical deregulator. Thankfully, the apparently revitalized Washington Post, has a front page story (brought to my attention by the Tomasky post) that details McCain's long held antipathy for government regulation of business. However, the McCain campaign is out again today, lying. They're claiming that McCain has always been a strong proponent of regulaton. Surprised? You shouldn't be! This is how the McCain campaign operates. Tomasky sums up the situation appropriately:
Imagine this happening in your own life. You knew your spouse was cheating, and she or he kept on denying it and called you despicable. Imagine that in a court of law, a plaintiff or defendant's attorney could lie, get caught, lie again and then get at least some members of the jury to believe that the allegations that he lied were just an elitist plot. That in business, one party could break a contract, lie about it, lie about having lied about it, charge that the other party's willingness to stand by the original terms of the contract showed only that the other party was weak and inflexible -- and still come out of the deal smelling sweet.

I couldn't of said it better myself. Thankfully, the media finally seems to be jumping off the St. McCain bandwagon. While the reporting of the McCain campaign's lies were initially just popping up in individual stories, it now seems that the MSM is beginning to create a narrative focusing on the campaign's outright dishonesty. However, it's aggravating that the MSM seems to be hesitant to utilize the word lie. When an individual makes a statement they know to be false. That's called a lie. It's spelled L - I - E. The present tense of the verb lie, is lying. Since the McCain campaign is actively and knowingly engaging in deception, they are lying. See MSM, it's easy! Anyways, I digress. While the MSM certainly plays a role, the onus is on John McCain, Sarah Palin, and their campaign. This overt reliance on the lie is unprecedented in a political campaign. While elements of the Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II campaigns were deplorable; none of them really ever continued to lie after having been caught. John McCain is so bereft of honor and dignity that he outright refuses to stop. I used to hate John McCain, now I just pity him.

Photo courtesy of Flickr user captainleadbottom, September 9, 2008.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Turning on the Mac

I thought the day would never come where I sing the praises of the Washington Post editorial page! If I were to do such a thing, it would probably be in regards to either Eugene Robinson or E.J. Dionne (both of whom are actually great columnists). Perhaps maybe even a shout out to David Ignatius, whom occasionally writes a superb column. Surely Richard Cohen, of in-the-tank for McCain infamy, wouldn't garner praise from a big time mega-blogger like me. Alas! The day has come. Ok, enough with that. Richard Cohen has somehow managed to write a coherent column about how McCain has completely lost his way. Cohen even admits that he was on the McCain bandwagon. Fortunately, for himself and his readers, he has managed to exorcise himself of this particular demon. Cohen's definitive and comprehensive take down focuses primarily on the cynicism that McCain displayed in his anointing of noted moose hunter Sarah Palin as his protege. However, Cohen is also quite perturbed by the ease and frequency in which St. McCain engages in outright deception. For anyone interested in reading a chronicle of the divorce between John McCain and one of his most ardent supporters, Cohen's column is a can't miss.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hitting Back

FINALLY! Barack Obama, it would seem, has gotten the message and is beginning to hammer John McCain. The McCain campaign is lying at a pace and frequency that is absolutely mind boggling. They have repeatedly claimed that Obama is planning to raise taxes on the middle class; when in actuality, his tax plan will lower the burden on 95% of the American people. Sarah Palin, even today, still claims that she was against the "Bridge to Nowhere" even though virtually ever MSM outlet has called them out on it. This is honestly stunning. McCain prided himself in 2000 as an honorable candidate that would not take the "low road" to the presidency. That John McCain is dead. He's been dead for sometime. The new John McCain is a man entirely devoid of principle. The new John McCain is a man that will say anything to get elected, even if that includes repeating outright lies, over and over and over again. The new John McCain is a man that makes George W. Bush look like the patron saint of nobility. The new John McCain is a man that has sold his soul. John McCain is a disgrace. He's a man that has stripped himself of every last shred of honor and dignity he once possessed. While his military service was honorable, past deeds cannot forgive the sins of the present. It's really quite sad, and you almost have to wonder how he looks himself in the mirror at night. However, at this point, any nostalgia-fueled allusions to the past are irrelevant and counter-productive. This man, this hollow shell of lies, is the candidate that Obama must spar with; and this ad signifies that he is at last congnizant of this new reality.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sarah Palin Doesn't Know What the Bush Doctrine is!

Via Matt Yglesias, I found this telling clip from the National Security Network. It's a huge deal that Sarah Palin doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is. For those of you who don't know, the Bush Doctrine is the policy of preemptive war. In other words attacking countries that the US perceives may cause a threat to our interests in the near future. If you don't know what the Bush Doctrine is, don't feel bad. You are most likely not running for the Vice Presidency of the United States. If you are, get with it!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven Years

I'm not very good a memorializing, but I feel I should at least say something. This is the 7th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. It's not a day any of us will soon forget. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those that were killed in the attacks, and those that died trying to save them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Metallica - The Day That Never Comes

Pretty decent. Guitar solo is a little long at the end though.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin's Manifesto of Cruelty and Polarization

Last night, Sarah Palin gave a powerful speech. She did not stumble and proved herself to be an effective and charasmatic orator. It certainly should be noted that she's a very effective hatchet (wo)man. She used her network time, which was reduced by the self-serving and over-the-top Rudy Giuliani, to make clear to the American people that she is against an Obama presidency. Obviously, this is what the GOP expects their candidate for Vice President to do. Sarah Palin did a great job of introducing the American people to her good-looking family and the endearing subtleties of life in small town Alaska. The cameras constantly shifted back and forth between Palin and her pregnant daughter Bristol (with her shotgun fiancee in tow). Even a candid, and admittedly adorable, moment where Piper Palin licked her hand in order to smooth back the hair of Trig Palin was captured. I can only imagine that the American people let out a collective "awww."

However, for me at least, that's where the charm ended. It's nothing new for the Republicans to embrace negativity at their convention. In fact they've been doing just that since the Nixon days. Really, this is what they have to do. Republicans win elections by highlight divisive wedge issues and polarizing the country. They accuse Democrats of "raising taxes" and "killing babies." Also, there is the timeless allegation that Democrats are "going to take your guns away!" Unfortunately for the Republicans, basically none of this is ever true. Barack Obama is not going to raise your taxes. Unless that is, you make over $200,000 a year and can afford to pay extra in order to help middle class working Americans. Barack Obama is not going to kill any babies. In fact, while Obama is pro-choice, he wants to pursue sex education policies that will lead to fewer unwanted pregnanices which, in turn, naturally leads to fewer abortions. Isn't that a good thing? No, Barack Obama isn't going to take away anybody's guns. It's pretty much impossible to argue against that for two reasons: 1) it's so ridiculous that it's laughable; and 2) giving it more than a passing thought lends it undue credibility. Anyways, I digress. Sarah Palin's speech was notable for its offensiveness, cruelty, and utter lack of substance. She certainly seemed to delight in claiming that community organizers have no actual responsibilities, but she failed to make the case of how her experience as the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska lead her to a better understanding of working Americans. Also, in regards to John McCain, we heard inspiring rhetoric about his trying experience as a POW, but nothing about what he would do as president. She didn't sell his candidacy at all. All I know from watching her speech as that John McCain was a POW in Vietnam. Oh, and because of that experience, he will bring the change we need to America. Nothing about what he would do, or how he would govern? Isn't that sort of important? Finally, what about the economy? She made no mention of home foreclosures, gas prices, unemployment or any other major economic concerns. In addition, there was absolutely nothing about what a McCain-Palin administration would do to stimulate a stagnant economy. Palin indicated that while offshore drilling isn't the cure-all solution to our energy ills, that shouldn't stop us from drilling. Ok, fine, but what else are you going to do? That's right, you are going to invest in wind energy and renewable fuels. With what money exactly? If we're going to stay in Iraq of 1000 years like McCain wants to, with a $10 billion a month price tag, can we really afford to do that?

Sarah Palin used her time in the spotlight in order to divide Americans along the same old cultural lines. Yet she did so without proposing any solutions. Democrats are cosmopolitan elitists that love eating arugula and drinking Belgian beer; but we are just like you! In addition she lied about Barack Obama's tax policies. (Fact: He's going to cut taxes for 95% of Americans and increase family rebates by $1000) She also lied about her opposition to the "Bridge to Nowhere." She was for it and then turned against it as it became increasingly unpopular politcally. One more inaccuracy I'll mention, among many others, despite her seemingly heartfelt support for families with special needs children, she actually slashed funding for special education programs by 62%! I mean, what! (Evidence for this point is in the link I provided above in regards to the "Bridge to Nowhere")

It's hard to tell how the speech will play out. I have no doubt that she will appeal to many Americans. However, her sarcastic and negative tone will likely turn off just as many. Also, working people are looking for someone who will uplift them economically. Not exactly someone that is like them (which she isn't anyways). At some point she's going to have to be made available to the media, and that should be, shall we say, interesting.

Photo courtesy of Flickr user MBS1983 September 1, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Via Jake Tapper at Political Punch, I came across this hilarious little ditty from, well, Diddy! Diddy certainly has a unique presentation for his vlog (isn't he dizzy spinning around like that!?!) but he actually hits a number of salient points. Look, I've never been to Alaska. However, the pictures I've seen of it are spectacular. I'm sure Alaska is an absolutely lovely state and an amazing place to call your home. That being said, does the governor of Alaska really have a good grip of the complex social issues that ordinary Americans deal with on a regular basis? Diddy is right to ask, are there any black people in Alaska? Now, I'm sure there are, and it shold be noted that Alaska has a history of racial conflict between whites and Native Americans. However, Sarah Palin just does not look like a woman that would be comfortable campaigning in Detroit or Philadelphia.

Michael Tomasky's excellent post on Palin directed me to this revealing article by the New York Times' Elisabeth Bumiller. It turns out that Palin essentially was not vetted at all. McCain really wanted either Joe Lieberman or Tom Ridge but his aides shot them down because they were pro-choice. A pro-choice running mate would be DOA on the convention floor. So in recognition that he wouldn't get what he wanted, he shot from the hip and picked Sarah Palin. My theory behind this is that the McCain campaign thinks that women are stupid. No really, that's my theory. Let me elaborate. I'm theorizing that McCain is betting everything on disaffected Hillary voters. Without carefully thinking it through, McCain believes that if he puts a woman on the GOP ticket as his running mate, women won't be able to help themselves and they'll vote for him. Why else would Sarah Palin be praising Hillary Clinton with every opportunity? Also, this prevents the Democrats from monopolizing the "history making" market, by having a woman on the ticket. Nevermind the fact that Palin's beliefs are completely anithetical to those of most of Hillary Clinton's supporters. Palin believes that Creationism should be taught alongside evolution in public schools and she opposes abortion in all circumstances, including rape and incest. In other words, McCain thinks women, and Hillary Clinton supporters in particular, are stupid.